Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Conversations with Bryce

Bryce showed me a Monty Python video on the killer it won the war for us because everyone who heard it died laughing. The announcer ends by telling about the Geneva the joke was banned in modern warfare and laid to rest....never to be told again. Bryce looks at me seriously and says, "Mom, it's ok. This isn't real, you know!"

Bryce (5th grader): Mom, can I go to the Harvest dance?
Mom (slyly): So, Bryce do you have a date?
Bryce: Yup. October 15th!

Bryce: (Looking at real estate ad for his grandma's house) Well, if I bought it I'd flip the house around, throw a second story on, and make the house wider." Hum...future contractor?

Bryce: Mom, are you married when the guy kneels down with the ring or when you kiss in the church?