Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cloak Nerf Master

Is he dangerous? Yes! He is!
Is he the enemy? No!!! He is the protector!!
Who is he protecting? He is protecting the earth!

Do you know who this is?

Snow, sister, little sister...

Recess takes a long time when you have to add extra socks, boots, parka, hat, gloves, and where is that dog leash????

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Swimming in the Snow

Ok, we were smart enough to head to the pool to do our swimming...

Just seems odd to be packing a swim bag when the weather is below freezing!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bryce with his Dad and brother

Bryce: I love my dad and I love my brother. They make good partners. I picked this picture because I like how we spend time together and there's no arguing. When I'm a dad, I might be an ENGINEER!!!! Well, that's my life!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Soldiers at the Nativity

I found this on my coffee table. Apparently, ground troops had infiltrated the nativity scene and were engaged in heavy combat. I was amazingly unaware of the crisis in my own living room!!

Bryce working on Awana with Sarah

I heard the quiet talking from a strange location. Found Bryce and Sarah on the stairs. Sarah was knitting and Bryce was practicing his Awana verses and Sarah (who memorized them last year) was correcting him. It was a sweet moment.