Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas at Aunt Bev's

Bryce helped cook Christmas dinner ("Is this meat supposed to be white?" ...I guess he hadn't ever seen ground turkey before.) At the kitchen store I turned around and saw Alan giving Bryce a quick, spontaneous hug. And he also he got to go to Best Buy and use his money that he saved all summer and fall to buy an XBOX 360, 250 GB. That was one HAPPY boy!

He was one happy camper.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bryce off to school

It's a safety thing that doesn't hold for all parents...we see lots of kids standing alone by the road waiting for the bus. But, Alan is adamant that Bryce have someone the point that he stays home from work if I can't be there. Pretty cool, Dad!

Bryce's Awards from Spooktacular Swim Meet

Just need to point out that he is holding blue (1st place) and red (2nd place) ribbons ONLY.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Conversations with Bryce

Bryce showed me a Monty Python video on the killer it won the war for us because everyone who heard it died laughing. The announcer ends by telling about the Geneva the joke was banned in modern warfare and laid to rest....never to be told again. Bryce looks at me seriously and says, "Mom, it's ok. This isn't real, you know!"

Bryce (5th grader): Mom, can I go to the Harvest dance?
Mom (slyly): So, Bryce do you have a date?
Bryce: Yup. October 15th!

Bryce: (Looking at real estate ad for his grandma's house) Well, if I bought it I'd flip the house around, throw a second story on, and make the house wider." Hum...future contractor?

Bryce: Mom, are you married when the guy kneels down with the ring or when you kiss in the church?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bryce at Lincoln City

Celebrating the birthdays for 3 warm, sunny days at the beach!das

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bryce at the Mall

To be honest, Bryce was not wild to go mall shopping at the Tanger Outlet Mall in Lincoln City at first.....
but he seemed to get real interested when he found this shop....and managed to find a couple of items he could use his birthday gift card. A successful Shopping Trip.

Oh What you Can SEE from the ESTER LEE

Bryce with new hat, shirt and jacket

Celebrating Grandma's 87th Birthday

Nothing like having fun and a laugh with family....and of course taking lots of photos!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Using up your uncle's minutes!

Bryce: (explaining to his sister, Sarah, that he had worn out his uncle and she would have to be extra quiet around him) "Sarah, you'll need to be quiet because I used up all Uncle Don's great minutes."

At the hospital

While grandma was at Salem Hospital waiting for a pacemaker revision, Alan, Bryce and Sarah came to help out. So much to do, emptying the house, garage sale, selling the house, getting the foster home fixed up. And Bryce was a wonderful helper. He worked hard and was thorough. But he also enjoyed the TV in the hospital waiting room.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bryce at Port Orchard long course meet

Bryce managed to get a lot of friends to sign his back before he started swimming. "Why?," you ask....because you can!!

...yes, those are bubbles coming out of his butt!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bryce at AWANA award night

Bryce earned the excellence award for finishing book 2 (only two more to go as a T&T...Truth in Training).

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

At the car wash

Can you pick out Bryce and Miranda? Bryce invited his friend, Aidan, to join in the car wash and barbecue afterwards....little red headed kid!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thoughts from a 10 year old

Alan Hoffer wrote on facebook tonight:

I was talking to Bryce in the car about space. Did you ever wonder what was beyond? How and where does it end. Bryce says, Dad, you just can't wrap your head around that kind of stuff. It will make you crazy. God knows all about it.

And Patti wrote on facebook something Bryce told her:
" The only difference between a man's mouth and a dog's mouth...when a dog has been licking his butt, it's not the cleanest mouth in the world."

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Walking Bryce to the bus

Bryce heading off to school...found his buffalo jacket!!! I can't figure out how to do these self-portraits...and why is the blog underlining everything I say?? Last sip of hot kiss goodbye if the bus is in sight!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bryce's artwork

Bryce's drawing that he gave Aunt Bev for Christmas. (Photo of the framed drawing was taken outside and there is a reflection of a tree in the glass that sort of echoes the drawing of the tree!)
Note the variety of birds, some making a nest, some pecking on the tree, some sitting in the tree watching and hiding, some escaping capture and some chasing going on. LOTS of detail. I love it!

Baggy jeans vs. Skinny jeans

Girls wear their jeans VERY tight...but boys wear them loose and baggy. Weird!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bryce, the gentleman

I dropped Bryce off early to school for his before-school reading program. A woman faculty member held the door for him, but as he approached, he put his back to the door, bowed and gestured for her to proceed him. Then he held the door for two more faculty. Does his mom's heart proud!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bryce and Brush painting

Bryce, at Brent's Art Night, practicing brush painting...very nice!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Mr. Origami

These are specialized tanks! Not the usual topic for origami!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bryce and his buddy, Drew

Drew Schaffer and family met up with us at Chinese New Year in Seattle...these two are two peas in a pod!! Drew is an ace fisherman and taught my boys a lot this past summer.