Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bryce on Field Trip

I went to Dogfish creek and I did some new discoveries. Here I am looking at a was a may fly. It has three tails (or two sometimes). It is good to find a mayfly in the stream because it tells you that the creek is good and it doesn't have any bad stuff and it's clean.

And also, did you know that the water in the creek is very fast. It when a short distance in 20 seconds (we measured it with a toy bug!)

Maybe I'll be a bug scientist. No Way!!

Love, Bryce

P.S. Bugs are gross.

Friday, April 4, 2008

How to enter a playground

Here's a photo from September 2003 and it cracks me up everytime I see it. Bryce is wearing my whistle that Brent gave me for my birthday (Brent had told his mother "Anna needs a whistle.") And as Bryce enters the playground, even though there is an opening in the fence about 1 foot away, he decides to climb OVER the chain link fence instead. Must be a boy thing!