Bryce stopped by this past week at Aunt Bev's and had some photos taken of him with his Dragon Quilt top.
Bryce chose the Dragon fabric (which is called Road to Shanghai fabric line) and Aunt Bev made a quilt around that fabric.
Aunt Bev asked Bryce to come by and have some photos taken so that when the quilt top is finished---the photos can be printed off and put on the outside of the box that is mailed to him. When he sees these photos-- he will then KNOW that he is FINALLY getting his Dragon quilt.
I have also given him instructions that when he sees these photos on the postal box---he is to make sure that there are at least TWO cameras facing him and ready to go BEFORE he opens the box!!!

It was mentioned by Uncle Don that it was a mighty pretty quilt and it MIGHT not make it out of the house.... And the subject came up that it was a rather large quilt and would fit nicely on Patti and Alan's bed...
This photo is Bryce's reaction to these statements! I think he is laying claim to it!
LOVE the quilt and I'm so happy that he loves it too.
but anna its allmine the quilt
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